Dog Watches Family Come Back To Adopt Another Dog In What Might Be The Saddest Video Ever

By: Evan Jankens

Five years ago I decided it would be a good idea to get a dog. I got an American Eskimo and for the first few months I regretted my decision nearly everyday. My walls were chewed, she would chew my shoes and what made it worse was when I was gone I had to use a lock and key to keep her out of trouble.

Eventually I faced the facts that she was too smart for her own good and I gave her free reign of my home, which is now hers! I am glad I never went back on the choice to get a dog even though I wanted to plenty of times.

Which now brings me to quite possibly the saddest story you will ever see.

This dog named Zuzu had managed to break away from her family's yard and got into the neighbors yard and they called animal control. The family came to animal control and the thought was they were there to get their dog back. Nope.

With her fast wagging tail seeing her owners Zuzu lite up like a Christmas Tree. She looked like the happiest dog. Yeah, she's going home.

But No. Talking to her owners they told me they were not here to reclaim her, they were getting another dog. ????

Zuzu's father another GSD had just passed away and Zuzu was crying and heartbroken. She escaped her family's yard and hopped the wall and got into her neighbors yard. The unhappy neighbor called Animal control and she ended up here.

And her owners were going to let her stay here.

Their reason was because she was crying and sad since her father passed away. She wasn't a happy dog anymore. ????

Their solutions for her unhappiness was just leaving her here! And go get another dog.

This video has been viewed over 124,000 times and shared well over 2,000 times. In all reality Zuzu will be in a better home, but if this video doesn't break your heart then I don't know what will.

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