DETROIT x DETROIT IX Celebrates Local Music

There is no doubt that Detroit has a powerful, ever-growing music scene with a pedigree of greatness recognized throughout both the country and the world. From huge, legendary bands like The White Stripes and acts that have defined their own legacy, like Eminem…to bands that are paving the way for the new generation of artists like Flint Eastwood, JR. JR., and Tunde Olaniran. Here in Detroit, we are fortunate enough to have a musical melting pot that is comprised of talented creators and trailblazers. Detroit's music scene is special and is only getting bigger.

One of the most distinct shows that truly defines Detroit music year after year is DETROIT x DETROIT. This event showcases the city's best bands covering other bands from Detroit. In recent years, both small and large bands alike have been covered – from local legends MPV to classic bands like Alice Cooper, each year gets better and better. You'll probably never see Parliament Funkadelic and Madonna play the same bill on the same night, but you'll get lucky enough to do so Saturday, April 13th at The Loving Touch in Ferndale.

Here is a little behind-the-scenes interview with an eclectic mix of bands on this year's bill. We chatted with School of Rock Rochester, The Fruits, Jemmi Hazeman & The Honey Riders, and Electric Honey. Here's what they had to say:


Q: Which Detroit band are you covering?


The School of Rock Rochester: Grand Funk Railroad

The Fruits: Madonna

Jemmi Hazeman & The Honey Riders: Eminem

Electric Honey: The White Stripes

Q: What made you choose the band that you are covering?


The School of Rock Rochester: Grand Funk Railroad is a fun rockin' band from Flint and an important band in rock history, when rock groups started performing for bigger audiences. Grand Funk really are one of the first bands to start the Arena Rock scene in the early '70s.

The Fruits: It's more like Madonna chose us. Our bassist Nick had a crazy, vivid dream where Madonna plays an important role.

Jemmi Hazeman & The Honey Riders: Considering we are known for playing psychedelic-indie-pop-rock music, a lot of people may not have expected me to pick Eminem. But, as a Detroit artist, his music is a big influence for me, particularly his first few albums. Despite all of the controversy surrounding his lyrics, Eminem's word play, intricate internal rhymes, rapid flow and dark humor all resonate with me.

Electric Honey: The White Stripes are a super fun, energetic band with a rawness that surfaced from that era, and they are a major influence on our songwriting.

Q: What made you want to play DETROIT x DETROIT?


The School of Rock Rochester: DETROIT x DETROIT (DETxDET) is a celebration of all the great music from Metro Detroit. As a proud fan of Michigan-based music, it is humbling to see all the great talent that this city has offered over the years.

The Fruits: This is probably our favorite gig of the year. The energy is great, and it's fun to get an opportunity to play songs that aren't a part of our normal set.

Jemmi Hazeman & The Honey Riders: The chance to play something other than our own music is fun. Tons of talented bands are playing this year (and have in the past).

Electric Honey: It's always a good time watching all of your friends get up on stage and do their best version of some classic Detroit bands. I think you don't see this kind of camaraderie in other cities. It's unique to Detroit.


Q:  What are you most looking forward to about DETROIT x DETROIT?

The School of Rock Rochester: Seeing all of the hard work these awesome bands put in to celebrate the electric sound of Detroit.

The Fruits: Hearing the other bands' interpretations of other artists and also having the opportunity to play Madonna songs in front of an audience! She has been a lot of fun to rehearse and after all, we're living in a material world and we are material girls, or boys…

Jemmi Hazeman & The Honey Riders: Playing our set and watching the other bands!

Electric Honey: Seeing Mark Whalen and the Buttermilk Boys cover Stevie Wonder. I am hoping it is epic.


You won't want to miss fifteen talented Detroit bands play DETROIT x DETROIT IX, hosted by Sadie Quagliotto and Christie Laabs, the powerful forces behind the Detroit tastemaker blog Hip in Detroit. For full line-up and event details, visit the official Facebook Event Page.

The Loving Touch
Saturday, April 13, 8pm – 1am
$10 donation, All Ages

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