Detroit Pistons host girls basketball jamboree

Detroit Pistons host girls basketball jamboree

(CBS DETROIT) - Hundreds of elementary students from across the state were in Detroit Sunday for a girls basketball jamboree.

Elementary school students from Detroit, Metro Detroit and all the way from Kalamazoo stopped in at the Detroit Pistons Performance Center for some hoops, stretching, dribbling and other events.

Thirty-four schools in 13 districts across the state participated.

"We know that basketball and other sports are predominately male-dominated, but to be able to have just the girls here, 200 girls, our goal is to yes, teach them basketball skills and things like that, but the confidence level that we believe is going to be reached through this program is fantastic," says Vincent Kirkwood, Executive Director of Playworks Michigan, a program that promotes an active and social lifestyle among children.

Kirkwood says it's about building confidence with the girls participating and helping them build skills you can take to the recess floor and even outside of school.

Speakers also joined the activities to echo Kirwood's statements. Those parts of the day highlighted topics like bullying prevention, resilience and positive behavior.

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