CW Launches Campaign To 'Encourage and Educate Everyone On The Importance To Vote'

(CBS Detroit) - In preparation for the general election, the CW is launching CW Vote Actually.

It's a non-partisan effort to make sure everyone gets out and votes on election day.

The CW VOTE ACTUALLY campaign, scheduled to launch Tuesday, September 15, kicks off with a special video spot featuring a wide array of The CW's on-screen talent encouraging the audience to go to to get registered to vote, obtain a mail-in ballot if applicable and know the deadlines in their individual states. The spot will air during primetime on broadcast television as well as posted on its digital and social media platforms including The CW and CW Seed apps, and

In addition to the video spot, The CW will be highlighting the importance of getting prepared to vote in additional video spots, through its social media channels (#CWVoterReady) and with local grassroots efforts through Election Day on November 3.

CW VOTE ACTUALLY has been developed in partnership with nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations including, the largest voter registration and get-out-the-vote technology platform in America; Spread The Vote, which offers assistance in obtaining I.D.s if needed; and Vote Smart, which provides free, factual, unbiased information on political candidates and elected officials to all Americans

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