Big Brother Season 18 Episode 33 Recap: Christmas In Big Brother

By Mark Drum
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Christmas came early for the Big Brother house contestants, as the backyard was transformed into a winter wonderland for the POV competition. But first, Nicole just put up Paul and Michelle up on the block for eviction. Plus Corey is still trying to decide what to do with the BB Bribe given to him from America. Our Michigander is targeting our other Michigander Michelle because she has no allegiance with her and has been targeting her for a few weeks. Is it Michelle's time to go or will Paul get the boot? Here's my recap from last night's episode.

A Sloppy Revenge

After nominations, James was relieved that Nicole kept her word by not nominating either himself or Natalie for eviction. He's also confident that Paul is the target this week, however Michelle feels as though she's the real target. James tries to assure her that Paul is that target because that's what the house wants. Meanwhile the houseguests gathered to the kitchen from the HOH room to reveal whom the Have Nots were for the week. Those who are Have Nots have to take cold showers, eat slop, sleep in the Have Not room which their beds are bumper cars and also enjoy another snack at the discretion of CBS All Access members votes. This week's extra snack was a bit of a treat courtesy of the HOH competition. Loch Mess left squid and seaweed for the first two houseguests who fell off the competition to enjoy, as they would be the Have Nots for the week. That meant Corey and Victor would be Have Nots. Neither Corey or Victor were happy about the snack as previous weeks saw, marshmallows and trail mix or hash browns and corn beef hash to name a few.

Santa's Favorite Counter

It was time to select players for the POV competition and joining Nicole, Paul and Michelle were Corey, James and Victor. As mentioned the backyard was transformed into Corey's favorite holiday, Christmas. With Natalie as host dressed up as Mrs. Claus' while the competitors were dressed as elves. Also in the back yard were live reindeer, snow, toys and the POV. For the superfan Michelle, she knew this competition was the Stay or Fold competition where the houseguests had to correctly guess how many items were in a specific room after having an example of a certain number of said item being displayed. The houseguests had a few minutes to explore the winter wonderland and to count the times in each surroundings. It was the hope for Paul that Victor wins POV to ensure both their safety in the house, while also getting Michelle not to win. If Michelle did win that would mean Nicole would have to "show her cards," by nominating James, Natalie or Victor. For Paul, Victor was the first one to be evicted from the competition. Followed by James then Corey, who put a ridiculous number of a billion for one round, but in doing so saved Nicole from elimination. In the end it was down to Nicole, Paul or Michelle for the win and Nicole came out victorious holding on the power this week.

Nicole's POV Decisions

With Nicole holding all the power this week, she has the decision in deciding whether or not to replace a nominee or keep nominations the same. Corey had mentioned earlier that whoever won the POV he may use his America's Care Package of the BB Bribe on the recipient. But now that Nicole has the POV, it doesn't seem that needed to be in play and will need to decide whether or not if he'll use it for a vote to evict someone or during the HOH competition for the following week. Nicole's target however still remains the same, but Paul being a pawn wanted to get himself off the block just for reassurance. In trying to convince Nicole to use the POV on him, started to make Nicole question whether or not she could trust him as he didn't seem to trust Nicole. During the POV ceremony Nicole gave each of the nominees to plea their case but ultimately decided to not use the POV on either of her nominations.

My Prediction For Eviction & HOH

It's going to come down to whom Nicole wants out of this house. I predict the votes will be 2 - 2 and Nicole being HOH making the final decision in who gets evicted. So my hope for a Michigander final two will be crushed as Nicole votes to evict Michelle from the house. Plus with HOH back up for grabs, it'll definitely be a battle between Victor and Paul against Natalie and James for HOH. As for Corey he could possibly win it but if he did then he'd really have to show where his allegiance is and I think for Nicole and Corey that's not going to happen. Being the competition beast that he is I predict Victor will win HOH. Tune in tonight at 9pm on CBS Detroit to see if our Michigander Michelle can save herself or if we'll see her evicted, plus who will be crowned the new HOH!

Mark Drum is a Farmington Hills, MI native and Big Brother fan since 2000. Mark is a graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Theatre Arts.

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