Big Brother Season 18 Episode 28 & 29 Recap: Friendship Or Showmances?
By Mark Drum
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Did you catch the special episode of Big Brother on Friday night last week? No worries, I've got you covered on a quick recap of what happened. But first, last night's episode saw the return of a Big Brother competition known as "The Black Box." This season the Black Box was used for this upcoming week's HOH. Plus America's Care Package this week gave one houseguest the opportunity to be a Co-HOH. Here's my recap of Friday's episode and last night's episode.
Episode 28 Quick Recap
Usually closer to the finale, the final three houseguests would have a recap of the season. This season gave the final seven a look back at the season with some never before scene clips. Also Ziggy Marley came to perform for the houseguests. The backyard was transformed into a carnival where the houseguests got to enjoy some sweets, play some fun competitions that also had some rewards and some punishments. Some of the houseguests won cash, others became have nots and for Victor, he won a Mr. Pectactular Tech Prize, from none other than season 10 & 11 veteran Jessie Godderz. This would make his seventh appearance on Big Brother in some capacity. Then at the conclusion of the carnival the final HOH competition began which then led to last night's episode.
Entering The Black Box
Before entering the black box, our fellow Michigander Michelle received a special reward from one of the carnival games in which gave her an extra 30 seconds during the competition. When the houseguests all entered the "Black Box," it was pitch black and the houseguests all were in their own lane competing against each other. As Victor was outgoing HOH he did not participate and had to wait outside the Black Box. Inside a scary voice was speaking to the houseguests and threw some random shocks to them in forms of liquid and gas. The object of the competition was to return back to their starting position before time runs out, while trying to retrieve disks that fit aside a pole near their button station. At the end of two hours the houseguests with the most disks would become HOH. Though our Michigander Michelle had an advantage, she was the first to be eliminated. Following her elimination a bit later James also gets eliminated but after he took a little stumbled while trying to reach his button. It was down to Corey and Natalie in the end with both collecting 10 disks. For the tie breaker it was whoever returned the quickest would win. By only four seconds Natalie won and became this upcoming week's HOH.
Choosing A Target
Prior to Natalie's HOH victory, during the live eviction episode, hours before Paulie threw a final curveball to Natalie that Paul was gunning to eliminate James. This gave our other Michigander Nicole the fuel to partner with Natalie saying that the showmances should stick together. Meanwhile the friendship bros of Victor & Paulie assumed this week's target would be Nicole & Corey to get rid of that showmance. Natalie was trying to weigh her options. However the nominations had an unexpected surprise for America's Care Package.
America's Care Package - Co-HOH
I had guessed incorrectly with the recipient of this week's care package. It was actually awarded to the other Michigander Michelle who was awarded tissues, brownies at the Co-HOH power. Which gave her the same privileges a Natalie for the week the being a HOH. Michelle was a have not but now she's a have; gets to stay in the HOH room and each make one nomination for eviction. Natalie's goal was to evict Victor and Paul, with Paul being the threat to her and James' game. Meanwhile Michelle wants to go after Nicole, as she does not feel as confident with her safety in the game with them. After some convincing from Natalie, Michelle decided to nominate Paul while Natalie ended up nominating Victor for eviction.
Prediction For POV
For the POV competition this week there will be only one person sitting out of the competition. I predict Nicole will not be selected, which means the other two players to compete are James and Corey along with Natalie, Michelle, Victor and Paul. I think Victor will win yet another competition to show how much of a competitive beast that he is. If someone decided to use the POV on either of the nominees that person being Corey or Nicole would go up. Tune in on Wednesday at 8pm on CBS Detroit to see who wins the POV and if it will be used on either of the nominees.
Mark Drum is a Farmington Hills, MI native and Big Brother fan since 2000. Mark is a graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Theatre Arts.