Big Brother Season 17 Episode 35 Recap: The Twin Twist Splits

By Mark Drum
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The reign of Vanessa continues on this episode of Big Brother. But first the twins, Julia and Liz are up for eviction after Austin used the POV on himself. There were a lot of tears shed by the twins knowing they were going to be separated. However they will only be separated for less than two weeks or 12 days because the finale is coming! Here's my recap of last night's live eviction episode.

Vanessa is the swing vote

It was pretty clear that Vanessa was the going to be the deciding vote as to which twin would stay in the house. Austin would most likely want to keep Liz, while John would want to keep Julia because it would help each other their games best. So the poker player has really aligned herself to control the game once again. In a very bold move, during a conversation with Liz and Austin she had a list of demands to ensure herself safety next week. But Vanessa took it a step even further saying that if either of them were left in the house without the other that they would take her into the final two. I'm glad Liz and Austin are finally seeing thru Vanessa's manipulative ways, however they know right now for this week they're trying to survive this week. So both of them agreed to her demands, but I enjoyed Liz's DR comment that she wouldn't fulfill this if it were to happen.

Visiting The Jury House

With last week's double eviction, Shelli, Jackie and Becky were all debating as to which houseguest would be arriving next. Jackie was adamant that she would not like to see either Meg or James entering the jury house. Unfortunately she did not get her wish. Meg enters the house and the ladies watch how Meg got evicted. I'm glad the jury isn't bitter and realizes how good of a game Vanessa is playing. Meg reveals to the ladies that there is a second houseguest on the way and they contemplate who that could be. James keeping to form, scared the ladies while they were having a conversation on the couch. It's good to see the houseguests reflect their time in the Big Brother house, but also frustrating that they didn't see how blind they were to Vanessa's manipulation. But James said it perfectly; he's going to make sure he votes for who he thinks has played the best game. Shelli is rooting for Steve and John, but I won't be surprised if they soon become a jury member.

Julia is Out

By a unanimous vote of 3-0, Julia Nolan the 23 year old Marketing Intern from Miami, FL was evicted from the Big Brother house. She'll be away from her sister, Liz whom she wanted to stay in the game and was willing to sacrifice her own game for her to stay. Which I think is noble but it's pretty dumb that Vanessa and John didn't vote to evict Liz. However that does keep the target bigger on the showmance and it was amusing to see Julie Chen grill Julia about her thoughts on the relationship of Liztin. We'll have to wait and see if Austin will get an invite to Christmas dinner and he's the one for Liz.

My Ranking of the houseguests

  • Vanessa - She's making her bets and continuing to risk it all to stay in the game. It's frustrating as a fan and as a viewer to see the other houseguests not call her on her bluffs. Plus can we please stop seeing her with all the different hats?!?
  • Liz - Survived eviction and is still part of a strong alliance with Austin and has a strong relationship with Vanessa in the house. She's proven to be a competitor and we'll see if she can make it to the finale.
  • Austin - He's proven to be a competitor when threatened with eviction. Judas comes out and Austin shows his wrestling persona to the other houseguests that he wants to be in this house to play the game. His only downfall relying on his showmance and relationship with Vanessa to further his own game because as of right now he's playing for second in my opinion.
  • John - Unless he wins next week, I expect John to be evicted. However he has been great at forming deals to throw competition and I would not be surprised if this happened. Here's hoping him and Steve can survive next week.
  • Steve - This trombonist is putting his faith on Vanessa and John. If he were smart he'd start aligning with Liz and Austin to try and ensure a final three in which he's in with them. We'll have to see how this super fan handles this upcoming week.

My prediction for HOH & Nominations

With Thursday Night Football beginning next week on CBS the Big Brother schedule has changed. Sunday we'll see who win's the HOH competition that aired last night where the houseguests had to maneuver eggs from one side to another through chicken wire. I predict and hope Liz makes a comeback and seeks revenge on her sister's eviction. Liz would nominate John and Steve but with the intention to hopefully backdoor Vanessa. Then on Tuesday is a special eviction episode where we see who wins the POV and which houseguest is sent to the jury. On Wednesday is another live eviction where we see who won the next HOH, which two houseguests were nominated and if the POV was used. This will then lead to the final three competing and the episode for that following Sunday. Then on Wednesday, September 23 the Live Season Finale! Tune in to CBS Detroit 62 at 8pm on Sunday to find out who wins the HOH and whether or not Vanessa survives. My prediction is she will but I'm just hoping these houseguests realize they're all playing for second with her still in the house. Plus think you have what it takes to be on the show? Apply now on to find out more details! Here's hoping I can get on or another Michigander can make it on the show!

Mark Drum is a Farmington Hills, MI native and Big Brother fan since 2000. Mark is a graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Theatre Arts.

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