Annie Potts And Montana Jordan Set To 'Get Into Some More Trouble' On An All-New 'Young Sheldon'

(CBS) - Young Sheldon is back with a new episode tonight at 8:00PM ET/PT on CBS. This season Georgie (Montana Jordan) and Connie (Annie Potts) have joined forces to run an illegal gambling den in the back of a laundromat.

CBS' Matt Weiss spoke to Potts and Jordan about their chemistry on the show, Georgie's growth and what's in store for tonight's all-new episode.

MW- Annie, Montana, good to see you both today with a new episode of Young Sheldon hitting the air tonight on CBS. This season you two have a very intertwined storyline, how it's been working a little more closely this season?

AP- Super fun. We're sort of the naughty ones in the family. I mean, Sheldon is neurotic. We just get into trouble, you know. I think it's very clever that they put us together because we're doubled trouble together.

MJ- I love it, the past seasons we only really had dinner scenes together. Now that the writers have written in the the gambling room I get to work with her all the time. I love it, wouldn't change it

MW- Annie, your character is also dealing with some jealousy issues this season. Yourself, Dale and Reba's character have a fun love triangle going on. What's it been like working that aspect of your character?

AP- Well, they're just great to begin with. They're real precious and delightful in every way. Reba is so good and such as great of an actress as she is a singer, which is pretty darn good. She's sweet as can be.

It's just wonderful to work them them, as much as I adore working with children, it's great to work with those two as well.

MW- And Montana, Georgie is going through a lot of different things this season compared to past seasons. When the show started he was a kid going through kid things. Now he's an adult going through very adult problems. What's it been like for you watching Georgia change and playing this character growing up?

MJ- Well it starts with the writers. They're just ain't none better than our writers we have on this show. I'm kind of looking at it as a viewer because I'm excited to see where Georgie is going too.

MW- You're also a young man yourself going through some of these things. Does it almost feel like playing yourself sometimes?

MJ- Yeah, there's parts where I think am I playing Georgie or am I playing myself or what's going on here? Definitely some of that, for sure.

MW- New episode this Thursday coming to CBS and Paramount+, what are we in store for?

AP- We're going to get into some more trouble in the illegal gambling parlor. To have a grandmother and a teenage boy involved in an illegal gambling casino in the back of a laundromat, it's not your usual scenario for that kind of coupling.

But I think that's going to be a lot of fun. And of course, Georgie gets to kiss a lot of pretty girls.

MW- So not so bad, eh Montana?

MJ- Not so bad [laughs]. Georgie's got a good thing going here.

MW- Well thank you both so much for the time and all the best!

AP- Thank you, Matt.

MJ- Thank you, sir.

Young Sheldon returns with a new episode on Thursday, November 18th at 8:00PM ET/PT on CBS or streaming with Paramount+. Check your local listings for more information.

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