'Your Worst Day Of High School, On Repeat': 'Big Brother' Contestant Returns To Denver

By Raetta Holdman

DENVER (CBS4)- Bronte D'Acquisto introduced herself to the houseguests of "Big Brother" as nice sweet girl with a sweet young voice but revealed to the audience she really wants to be a crazed mathematician solving national security problems with prime numbers.

While she may be quick with statistics, she couldn't come up with an equation to keep her in the Big Brother house longer than 30 days.

The show runs for three months.

Since her eviction, Bronte has returned to Denver and on Thursday stopped by CBS4's studios to chat with Alan Gionet.

She said even though she didn't make it very far, it was still.

"It was a good experience," she said. "It was hard in the moment but after the fact, looking back, it was a good experience. I learned a lot."

But Bronte said it was definitely not what she expected.

"It was way more difficult than I had anticipated. It was like your worst day of high school, on repeat.

"I thought there would be hanging out with all these people, making great friends and then get a little stressful when it was time to vote someone out but it was constant scheming, constant plotting... (makes backstabbing motion) all the time, never ending. So very stressful."

"I at, one point, had a breakdown. I don't know anyone in there who hasn't had a breakdown at some point. It's the most emotional turmoil you've ever been through.

"I was sleeping three hours a night for all 30 days I was in there. There was an ant problem so a lot of the food was kind of infested with ants. It was meant to stress you out and it did."

When asked her downfall, Bronte said she made mistakes from the start.

"I didn't talk enough game with people right off the bat. I kind of just sat back and let other people do it, then it kind of became too late for me when they were starting to put me up. I was trying to scramble and it was just too late. I needed to go in there a little more forceful.

"I didn't necessarily make friends with the popular kids in the house, I made friends with the outskirts. I was never on the majority side. I was always on the outskirts but those were the people I bonded to."

Now that's she out of the game, who would she hate to see win?

"I made friends with Natalie and Paulie has talked bad on Natalie. Just on a personal standpoint, strong men trying to take out the females, I'm not a big fan of that so I don't want to see Paulie with that round trip ticket and I don't want to see him win. I want to see a girl take this home."

Raetta Holdman is a veteran newscast producer. She's been with CBS4 for more than 25 years, coordinating events -- large and small -- from the control room. Contact her by clicking here.

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