Lambs killed in Jackson County as Colorado prepares to reintroduce wolves into state

Wolves kill lambs in Jackson County as Colorado prepares to reintroduce wolves into state

It's a story you've basically seen before, in the same area with a few differences now; it's a different rancher, it's a different kind of livestock killed, and Colorado is closer than ever to reintroducing wolves back into the state. 

Rancher Brian Anderson says three of his lambs were attacked last week, all of them killed. One of the lambs was eaten, the other two were simply killed and left alone after that. 

RELATED: Locals in Summit County questioning wolf reintroduction after plan made public

Anderson said Colorado Parks and Wildlife told him it's likely the same wolves or wolf that killed those cows back in 2022, part of a pack living near or around the northern edge of the state. It's one of a few instances the folks of Jackson County have seen with this pack. 

"We have to learn how to live with 'em," Anderson said. "The end goal is to have a successful introduction into the state of Colorado."


Anderson's father, Philip, was the one who found the bodies first. He said his granddaughter's response to the lambs being killed no more than 100 yards away from their home was what bothered him the most. 

RELATED: Carnivore coexistence team working to help smooth wolf reintroduction in Colorado

"She says 'grandma what would I do if I was outside and a wolf came after me?' Now, an 8-year-old kid shouldn't have to worry about that," he said. 

Anderson said they have successfully used electric fencing with ribbons to help deter the wolves during calving seasons this spring, but that's only attached to the fence temporarily. 

Now he plans to keep his sheep inside a pen with the rest of the animals from now on at night for added protection. 


Still even with the loss of livestock and what he feels is a threat to his family, Anderson wanted to make sure this message came across loud and clear.

"We gotta work together," Anderson said. "We have to change the way that we perceive how we are going to raise livestock... but we need to work together, otherwise it won't work."

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