Charity Group Helps K-9 Officer Needing Surgery
CENTENNIAL, Colo. (CBS4) - A nonprofit organization based in Centennial is coming to the rescue of a police dog with the Greenwood Village Police Department.
Back the Blue K-9 Force is footing the bill for a K-9 named Miner, who had to have surgery for an internal blockage.
"We're really concerned, because if it's a blockage there's a lot of bad things that can happen to a K-9. So please keep him in our prayers," said Jennifer Leggatt, one of the organization's founders.
A few years ago she and several friends wanted to raise money to buy protective vests for several police K-9s. They stood outside of drug stores and coffee shops to raise money.
Those efforts turned into a nonprofit that has not only purchased protective gear for departments, but actual dogs for police forces.
"We do it because we love the dogs, we're dog lovers. We respect the police and we really think it's a great part of our community," Leggatt told CBS4's Dominic Garcia.
K-9 Officer Miner just had surgery. He works w/ his partner Officer Villalva for Greenwood Village Police. He's recovering and can thank Back the Blue K-9 Force for paying for his surgery. @CBS4Dom & I talk to this nonprofit about how they help #K9 officers. @CBSDenver 10pm #Dogs
— Mark Neitro (@CBS4Mark) March 22, 2019
Back the Blue K-9 Force is another example of a community organization helping police departments who can't afford protective gear. As for Miner, his handler says a piece of a toy he ate was causing the blockage, but it's now out.
His handler hopes he will be back in service in a few weeks.