Big uptick in Colorado voter registration came after the presidential debate, Taylor Swift's announcement

Surge in voter registration in Colorado came after presidential debate and Taylor Swift endorsement

A big surge in the number of voter registrations in Colorado took place this month on the night of the presidential debate as well as on several of the days since. That's according to Colorado Secretary of State's office, which says there are now nearly 4 million Coloradans registered to vote.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump debate on Sept. 10 on ABC. Michael Le Brecht/ABC News via Getty Images

 In a news release sent out on Thursday, the office states that there were also jumps in registration during or after the following events :

- On Sept. 10, right after the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris , pop superstar Taylor Swift posted an announcement on social media stating who she will vote for and encouraging fans to register to vote.
- On Sept. 12, Meta placed a voter registration banner on Facebook and Instagram.
- On Sept. 17 there were nationwide voter registration efforts on National Voter Registration Day.

Before Sept. 10 the state was seeing a daily average of 1,604 Coloradans newly registering to vote or updating their voter registration. On the night of Sept. 10 there was a big jump -- "nearly 4,500 voters registered or updated their voter registration online, with most coming between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.," the Secretary of State's office said. Then the next day there were almost 5,000. Two days later there were 12,000, and there was nearly that same number on Sept. 17.

"It is exciting to see Coloradans registering to vote and getting involved in advance of this November's election," Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold said in a prepared statement. "Every voter has a voice, and I'm proud to make sure that every Coloradan can be heard."

So far in September, Griswold's office says there have been more than 60,000 residents of the state who have registered to vote or updated their voter registration.

At the time of the release, the office said there are 3,906,892 Coloradans registered to vote. Democrats make up 26% of that number, Republicans make up 23.2% and unaffiliated voters make up 48.6%.

Anyone who wants to update their voter registration or register to vote can do so on a special section of the Colorado Secretary of State's office website.

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