Ditch Your Car And Tube To Work!

BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4)- About 1,000 people made a splash on their way to work Wednesday morning, literally! They hit the water for the 11th annual Tube to Work Day.

The commuters looked like everyone else dressed in suits and bicycle helmets, except their mode of transportation was an inflatable tube.

The tubers entered Boulder Creek at Eben G. Fine Park in Boulder.

The tradition started in 2008 with two friends, Andy Gruel and Jeff Kagan, tubing to work and the event has grown every year.

Photo Gallery: Tube To Work Day

"I think it kind of embodies what people love about Boulder, being outdoors, enjoying our natural resources, alternative commute and a lot of wacky people here who don't mind getting into costumes and into the water at 8 a.m.," said Kagan.

Many consider it the best traffic jam in the world. One tuber even took a bicycle on a different tube in the water for a double-duty alternative transportation commute.

Kagan also offered some advice for first-timers, "Butts up."

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