Community Calls For More Guardrails Following Deadly Crash

GRAND COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - Exactly one month ago, two people were killed when their truck careened over the side of Trough Road in Grand County. The driver lost control near Inspiration Point.

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(credit: Grand County Search and Rescue)

There is no guardrail in the 100 yard section where the truck went off the road. Toby Hargadine of Kremmling and Crysta Berntsen from Minturn died when the truck rolled several times 700 feet down an embankment.

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(credit: Grand County Search and Rescue)

Since the tragedy, community members have questioned why there is not a guardrail in that section.

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(credit: CBS)

Trough Road is popular shortcut between Grand and Eagle Counties and sees hundreds of cars pass along it during the summer months. Rafting companies also use it to access the Colorado River.

Monday, county commissioners told CBS4 road crews are looking to install a barrier in that section of road, but the installation won't likely begin until the spring or summer of this year due to current winter weather conditions.

(credit: CBS)

The installation of guardrails and other road barriers on county roads is the responsibility of the Grand County's Road and Bridge Department.

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