Sunshine Fire Evacuee Lends A Helping Hand

BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4) - The East Boulder Community Center is serving as the evacuation center for the Sunshine Canyon Fire. Red Cross volunteers were there with food and water for evacuees, including small pets.

A 2-year-old cat named Lorenzo isn't a fan of the place.

"He's in there complaining loudly," Lorenzo's owner Belle Star said.

Star is among the few evacuees at the center after the wildfire forced them out of their home early Sunday morning.

"The police came pounding on our doors at 5 a.m.," Star said.

Nearby flames and thick smoke from the fire filled Star's neighborhood near 4th and Pearl streets in Boulder. Without hesitation she grabbed what was most important to her.

"I put my clothes on, I took my asthma medicine, got my sister and my cat and left," Star said.

She says most evacuees went to stay with family or friends, but she went to the community center to lend a helping hand.

"I've driven for the Red Cross and I work for Meals on Wheels, so I wanted to see if there's anything they needed me to do."

With nothing to do but wait, Star is keeping a close eye on social media where her neighbor shared video he shot from his rooftop showing planes dropping slurry nearby.

Despite the high fire danger, Star is certain she and Lorenzo will be back home soon.

"I have no worries ... my inner intuition tells me not to worry."

There is a Red Flag Warning Sunday for all of the Denver metro area, northern Front Range Foothills and adjacent communities. Wind gusts could boost up to 35 mph along with single digit relative humidity.

Additional Resources

The Humane Society of Boulder Valley is providing temporary shelter for dogs, cats and small animals of people affected by the Sunshine Fire in Boulder County. Currently dogs, cats, and small animals are permitted to stay with their families at the evacuation center at East Boulder Community Center. Affected families who need another temporary housing option for their dog, cat or small animal, should bring the animal to the Humane Society of Boulder Valley at 2323 55th Street in Boulder during business hours. Additionally food and supplies are available for families in need.

Wildfire Resources

- Visit's Living With Wildfire section.

Wildfire Photo Galleries

- See images from the most destructive wildfires (Black Forest, Waldo Canyon, High Park and Fourmile), the deadliest (Storm King) and largest wildfire (Hayman) in Colorado history.

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