State lawmakers discuss modifications to reintroduction of wolves legislation

State lawmakers discuss modifications to reintroduction of wolves legislation
State lawmakers discuss modifications to reintroduction of wolves legislation

The wolf reintroduction into Colorado has been one big change after the next and the wolves aren't even here yet. 

You'll remember the rancher in northern Colorado who was against the whole plan and wanted to have the option to kill the endangered animals.

Then Colorado Parks and Wildlife looked into and recommended adding a 10(J) rule to the reintroduction which would give lethal abilities and other options to the public so long as the wolves were a danger to people or livestock (it's a little more complex than just that, we did a whole story about it here).

Now, there's a bill that follows along the same line as the organization attempts to add more options to control the population, in the event CPW's recommendation doesn't make it through before the wolves get here.

"Let me just make very clear," said bill sponsor, Dylan Roberts, State Senator for District 8.

"This bill is not intended to frustrate the will or delay the will of the voters in Colorado at all. I respect the will of the voters, and while I personally did not support Proposition 114 and most of my district did not support 114, I understand that it is state law and there is there is not a way for us to change state law, and that is not what this bill is doing," he added. 

Roberts argues that the vote to reintroduce wolves in 2020 happened when the animals were not nationally protected as they became an endangered species in 2022. (thus prohibiting them from being killed) this bill actually brings the will of the voters back into focus that was unintentionally misconstrued). 

"I think it's proper for us as lawmakers to make sure that the state law, the Proposition 114, is implemented in the right way that protects both the reintroduction of wolves and the benefit that will bring, but also protects the Coloradans that will live with this on a daily basis," Roberts said. "This isn't about needlessly killing wolves or delaying anything, this is just about doing this the right way."

Roberts touted this bill has already garnered support from both parties and did well in the first committee.

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