Without Rail Option, Bus Rapid Transit Considered For Highway 119 Commuters

LONGMONT, Colo. (CBS4) - With the growing population in Colorado, RTD is looking at ways to further connect cities and ease the traffic on roadways.

While the centralized part of the Denver metro area has the convenience of the light rail and commuter rail, officials with the Regional Transportation District say their next priority is to address the transportation needs in northern communities. They hope to do so with Bus Rapid Transit, specifically along Highway 119 between Longmont and Boulder.

RTD, along with other agencies, have begun a study to evaluate if BRT would work along the Highway 119 corridor. The study is taking a look at several factors including growing congestion and travel demand, environmental impact, access and other criteria.

RTD will host public meetings to provide details on the progress of the study, and receive community feedback.

LONGMONT- Wednesday, Nov. 15
6-8 p.m.
Longmont Museum
400 Quail Road, Longmont, 80501

BOULDER- Thursday, Nov. 16
6-8 p.m.
Boulder Chamber
2440 Pearl St., Boulder, 80302

The State Highway 119 BRT study advances one of the recommendations from the Northwest Area Mobility Study to implement cost-effective improvement until the extension of the Northwest Rail Line can be built. That line currently only runs from Union Station in Denver to Westminster. Eventually the plan is for the line to run through Boulder and then all the way to Longmont, but that won't be for several decades.

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