Raise the Future helps out Colorado couple as they get set for third & fourth adoptions

Raise the Future help out Colorado couple as they get set for their third & fourth adoptions

Going anywhere as a family of nine can be a bit of a zoo. So when the Kate and Urie brought their kids to the Downtown Aquarium to share their story with CBS News Colorado, there was some wrangling involved.

But the Colorado couple wouldn't have it any other way.  Adoption is a bit of a family tradition.

"My father was adopted from an orphanage in Oklahoma. That really effected his whole life and he was really really grateful for his adoptive parents. He talked about them fondly and he was very positive about adoption." Kate said.


That led to his choice to adopt Kate, and played part in her brother and sister-in-law's decision to adopt their kids.

"When Urie and I started dating it was an open conversation from the very beginning."

But the moment that triggered their decision to adopt came from one of their kids, Dominic.

"It was Christmas time and Dom and I were driving around running errands and a commercial came on the radio and it said adopt foster kids," said Urie.

"Dom looks at me--  and he's like a kindergartner-- and he goes why aren't we doing this? And I went 'Why aren't we doing this?'"

Urie and Kate talked about it and decided now was the time.

"When Dom brought it up it was kind of like 'Yep, this is our sign.'"

They started taking classes to prepare and less than 6 months later, their first foster child was placed with them. Now five years later they have adopted a son and daughter and are fostering to adopt two more and their 3 older kids, always willing to pitch in to help especially when it involves playing games.

"There's more kids to play football," said Dom.

The family says that journey hasn't been without it's challenges though.

"It's the most rewarding and frustrating thing you can do," said Urie.

And Kate says Raise the Future stepped in to help them meet those challenges.

"They need to know that they are loved and wanted and kiddos in the system lose that. Raise the Future was a fantastic organization to work with. We were really struggling with how to implement different techniques and different supports. They were fantastic. Our coordinator came into our home, I chatted with her a couple times a week, she would drop me texts. It was amazing to have that kind of support."

Raise the Future offers classes, techniques and opportunities for the kids to heal and connect with their parents.

Urie says if you are trying to adopt and are struggling; don't give up.

"We were down and out at one point and we kept with it and we now have a son and daughter for it."

To donate to Raise the future call 303-755-3975, text DWC2023 to 71777 or make an online donation. 

Raise the Future provides comprehensive help for families who are caring for youth in foster care: for kids who have experienced trauma, whose formative relationships were not healthy -- there is TBRI (trust based relational intervention). That is practical ways to recreate the development they didn't get as babies.

You can learn more about how Raise the Future uses TBRI to help families visit their website.

Learn more about Wednesday's Child here.

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