President Donald Trump Holds First Campaign 2020 Rally In CO, Says 'We'll Win Colorado In Landslide'

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) - Thousands of Coloradans welcomed President Donald Trump at his first Campaign 2020 rally in Colorado on Thursday. Supporters lined up before dawn and packed Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

US President Donald Trump gestures as he addresses a "Keep America Great" rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on February 20, 2020. (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

PHOTO GALLERY: Trump Campaigns With Gardner In Colorado Springs

"Where else do you want to be than a Trump rally?" the president asked a cheering crowd.

He spoke for about an hour and a half, going on and off script and jumping from fake news to phony polls to opponents with nicknames...

"I don't know if anyone watched last night's debate. It got very big ratings, and you know what, Mini Mike didn't do well last night. I was going to send him a note, saying it's not easy doing what I do is it?" Trump said, referring to Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg.

But along the way, the president kept coming back to one specific attendee.

"I want to bring a up a man who's going to win the election with us. Cory Gardner."

If there was any doubt about the president's support for Sen. Cory Gardner, he put it to rest.

"And you're going to help us get Cory Gardner across that line because he's been with us 100%," Trump said.

Sen. Cory Gardner speaks with President Donald Trump on stage during a Keep America Great rally on Feb. 20, 2020, in Colorado Springs. (credit: Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images)

Gardner poured on the praise for the president, too.

"Mr. President, you've done so much good for Colorado. As a result of your work, the Bureau of Land Management is now headquartered in the great state of Colorado. United States Space Command and Space Force are operating out of Colorado Springs," Gardner said.

But not all Trump supporters are Gardner supporters. Vice President Mike Pence told CBS4 Political Specialist Shaun Boyd they should be.

"Everything President Trump and I have been able to accomplish -- rebuilding our military, supporting our veterans, reviving the American economy through tax cuts -- would not have been possible except for the steadfast support of Cory Gardner."

"And Republicans and independents and conservative-minded Democrats across the state of Colorado deserve to know that. Senator Gardner has been there every step of the way, supporting this president and supporting an agenda that's made America great again."

As a sign of the challenge Gardner faces in 2020, a few people began heckling him. The crowd booed them and Trump shut them down, calling it "just noise."

But if Gardner's chances are uncertain in 2020, Trump says his aren't.

"We are going to win Colorado in a landslide," he said.

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