'Much Ado About Nothing' gets a modern take at DCPA
More than 400 years after Shakespeare first premiered the classic "Much Ado About Nothing," the Denver Center for the Performing Arts is preparing to unveil its modern take on the tale. The show, which opens at the DCPA at the end of September, combines comedy, romance, music and dancing in a way that will help modern theatergoers better experience Shakespeare.
"We are set in the Mediterranean," said Jennifer Paredes, an actress who portrays Hero in the show. "There's marriage and love in the air."
Paredes joined Gerrard James, cast as Claudio in the show, for an interview with CBS News Colorado's Dillon Thomas.
James and Paredes both expressed their joy in portraying classic characters in their own unique ways.
"It is fun to play the comedic aspect to it, but also play off each other, relationship-wise," James said.
The show is based in the 1930s and largely surrounds the return to the home of many soldiers. While most of the show is lighthearted and joyous, James said he has grown to appreciate the plot's ability to pivot to a serious tone quickly.
"Things are lite. People are falling in love. And then the big wedding scene happens and we have this dramatic turn," James said. "(Characters are) dealing with falling in love with someone and not knowing if their love is going to be requited or not."
The artists cast in the show are also tasked with dancing throughout. Those CBS News Colorado spoke with said they all had to learn how to Tango and Waltz to be in the show.
"It was a little jarring at first for me because I had never really moved in that way," Paredes admitted.
However, the cast has adopted the motions of the dances and tied them in to better portray the storyline.
If you would like to see Much Ado About Nothing, visit DenverCenter.org.