'Disturbing & Disgusting': Officials Address Photo Of Mead High School Students Reenacting George Floyd Murder

MEAD, Colo. (CBS4) - The St. Vrain Valley School District superintendent confirmed Thursday that a social media post reenacting the murder of George Floyd was made by a group of students from Mead High School. The district says it is investigating the case but cannot share what kind of disciplinary action the students may face because of the photo taken on school grounds.

(credit: change.org)

"It was brought to my attention that a disturbing and disgusting social media post depicting the re-enactment of the murder of George Floyd was made by a group of students from Mead High School," Don Haddad, Ed.D. said in a post on the district's website. "We in the St. Vrain Valley Schools strongly condemn, and have no tolerance for, racism in any form and will be addressing this extremely serious matter immediately and accordingly. Our district reaffirms its commitment to diversity and equality in our schools and in our operations."

A photo of the incident included on a Change.org petition shows three students, including one with blackface, and another placing their knee on the first student. The call for signatures began Wednesday and has more than 7,000 signatures as of Thursday night. The creator of the signature campaign says racial discrimination at the high school needs to be addressed.

"We take this type of conduct very seriously and have begun an investigation into the matter," Principal Rachael Ayers said in a message sent to parents.

The incident comes less than two weeks after high school graduation and just days before the one-year anniversary of Floyd's murder.

"We remain deeply committed to advancing the success of our students, and I want to reinforce my unwavering commitment to continue taking the necessary actions as the Superintendent of St. Vrain Valley Schools to ensure the human rights, respect, and safety of each and every person," Haddad said in the post to the district's website.

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