Legacy High Officials Believe Norovirus Made 100+ Students Sick

BROOMFIELD, Colo. (CBS4) - Legacy High School officials believe norovirus made more than 100 students sick this week but classes are still in session.

"That's not uncommon. What's uncommon there is we had about 100 students with similar symptoms," said Adams 12 Five Star Schools spokesman Pat Hamilton.

The high school is in the Adams 12 Five Star Schools. School officials said there was no need to cancel classes on the recommendation of the Broomfield Health and Human Services.

Instead, the school was cleaned and now the district is asking for help from parents and students to keep the virus from spreading.

"Wash your hands, and most importantly to keep it out of the community and out of the schools is to stay home if you are sick," said Hamilton.

Norovirus is highly contagious. To be safe the school district and Broomfield Health and Human Services are working together to make sure the virus doesn't spread, but experts said that doesn't necessarily mean shutting down the school.

"The fact that people who are ill that have symptoms can leave the area for a period of time while they are experiencing symptoms makes this a different situation in being able to control the spread of the virus," said Broomfield Health and Human Services Director Debbie Oldenettel.

In a letter home to parents the district assured parents they had the situation under control and that, "As a school WE ARE taking every precaution to prevent the spread of this virus."

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