Kansas man dies while skiing in Colorado after striking tree at Winter Park

Kansas man dies after striking tree while skiing at Winter Park
Kansas man dies after striking tree while skiing at Winter Park

A man from Kansas died after he struck a tree while skiing at Winter Park Resort on Tuesday. According to the Fraser Winter Park Police Department, life-saving efforts by Winter Park Ski Patrol, Denver Health and Grand County Emergency Medical Services staff, the 20-year-old did not survive. 

The call came in to ski patrol at 10:52 a.m. Tuesday about a guest who struck a tree on Lupin, an intermediate/advanced trail at Winter Park Ski Resort. Authorities said guests started CPR until ski patrol arrived and took over resuscitation efforts and rushed the guest to the Denver Health Winter Park Medical Center at the base of the resort where he was pronounced deceased. 

Investigators said the skier was wearing a helmet. 

Fraser Winter Park Police Department joined Winter Park Resort "in extending our deepest and heartfelt condolences to the man's family and friends during this extremely difficult time." 

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