Junior League Does Day Of Volunteer Work

DENVER (CBS4) - The Junior League of Denver held its first ever L.U.V.S. day of service. L.U.V.S. stands for Leaders United in Volunteer Service. Nearly 200 volunteers and 8 community partners came together to do service projects in the Globeville, Elyria, and Swansea neighborhoods.

"Doing anywhere from planting plants at GrowHaus to making paper mache violins at El Sistema, to painting the playground here today," said Kali Handford, president of the Junior League of Denver.

Junior League of Denver already has roots in the community with their Read to Kids program that teaches kids at Swansea Elementary School to love to read.

"We all benefit from improving our community," said Colette Sutley, the community council vice president with the Junior League of Denver.

At Swansea Elementary, volunteers painted the playground, shelved library books, and stenciled inspirational sayings on the walls. It was work that  was greatly appreciated.

"Whenever anyone shows any investment, any kind of care for our community, it just really uplifts everyone's spirits, makes them feel that they're not in this alone," said Gilberto Munoz, principal at Swansea Elementary.

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