Good News For Job Seekers In Colorado

By Dominic Garcia

DENVER (CBS4)- Erin Curry just graduated in May from the University of Missouri. When she saw a job opening as a public relations account assistant at Webb Strategic Communications, she had her doubts.

"I was like, I probably won't get it because nobody gets a job they want on their first try," she told CBS4's Dominic Garcia.

CBS4's Dominic Garcia interviews Erin Curry (credit: CBS)

To her surprise, she ended up landing the job and just finished her first week.

"This is honestly my dream job and I have it at age 22 which is something that's so cool," said Curry.

Erin Curry (credit: CBS)

Andrew Hudson, president and founder of Andrew Hudson's Job List, says now is a good time to be job hunting. He says Denver has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. He also says, according to the Colorado State Department of Labor, for every open job in Colorado, there is actually less than one person to fill that job. Which means companies are upping the ante.

CBS4's Dominic Garcia interviews Andrew Hudson (credit: CBS)

"Employers are having a really hard time finding talent because of the employment rate… I'm seeing in job postings like unlimited vacation. I'm seeing things where they're offering flexible time," he told CBS4's Dominic Garcia.

(credit: CBS)

Hudson says there are drawbacks though, with so many people flooding the Denver metro area, housing prices are sky rocketing.

Downtown Denver Skyline (credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus)

"A two-bedroom apartment is going for about $1,900 a month. The average cost of a home in Denver is about $500,000 right now," said Hudson.

Andrew Hudson (credit: CBS)

That said, Hudson says if you're looking for a job, Denver is the place to be.

"There's a lot of opportunity right now."

Dominic Garcia anchors CBS4 News at 5 p.m. and reports for CBS4 News at 10 p.m. Connect with the Denver native on Twitter @cbs4dom & on Facebook.

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