Adams County Sheriff's Sergeant Calls Colorado Voters 'F---ing Stupid'

By Brian Maass

BRIGHTON, Colo. (CBS4) - In a blistering social media post, Sgt. Jim Morgen, the public information officer for the Adams County Sheriff's office wrote, "Colorado voters are f----g stupid" and referred to the incoming sheriff as a "complete dumb ass."

(credit: CBS)

Morgen posted the comments via Facebook following Tuesday's election. Morgen works for current Sheriff Mike McIntosh, a Republican, who was upset in Tuesday's election by Democrat challenger Rick Reigenborn.

Reigenborn tallied 51.3% of the vote to Mcintosh's 48.6%. The two were separated by 4,100 votes.

In the post to a friend's Facebook page emanating from his Facebook account, Sgt. Morgen wrote "I'm so disgusted with Colorado and specifically Adams county voters that could only see a d. It makes me completely sick that some complete dumb ass will win as sheriff with no ability only and I mean only because he has a d in front of his name." Morgen went on to write, "23 years of service down the drain with only retiring as an option."

Reigenborn served with the Adams County Sheriff's office from 1991 until 2015. He currently is a detective with the Mountain View Police Department.

Contacted Thursday by CBS4, Reigenborn said he had seen Morgen's post calling it "sour grapes. I think it was a poor decision on his part. I hope it was done in a drunken stupor. Its his opinion but it's a weak opinion," said Reigenborn. He said he was more bothered by what Morgen said about the community than the direct shots taken at him.

Reigenborn said he only spent about $8,000 on his campaign and was "very surprised" to win. He agreed that "The Trump factor was part of it."

Reached by phone Thursday afternoon, Sgt. Morgen simultaneously said he would not "confirm or deny" that he had written the post but then suggested it was intended as a private communication on Facebook.

"You have no proof I wrote it," said Morgen. In the next breath, he said it was meant for "people it was sent to." He said the post was "meant for a friend.. it was sent privately. This post was meant from one person to another. As a private citizen I have a right to say what I want."

Although he didn't deny writing it and refused to confirm or deny ownership of the post, Morgen went on to say the post was not written at work but was written "at home and was meant for a friend. It wasn't meant for general consumption. How it got disseminated to you I have no idea how that happened."

In two phone conversations, Morgen reiterated the opinions that appeared in the Facebook post.

He said he was concerned that publicizing his opinions might lead to blowback from "left wing moonbats." Morgen called the election of Reigenborn "The most disgusting outrage I have ever seen," and attributed it to anti–Trump backlash.

Adams County Sheriff Mike Mcintosh had not seen the post until he was contacted by CBS4.

After reviewing it, he said, "It was boneheaded on his part. He was not representing us in any way but does have a title with the Sheriff's Office. This was inappropriate."

Mcintosh said Morgen, "Ought to know better. What bothers me most is the comments about the voters and about Rick. That doesn't represent us well". Although he said he did not believe Morgen had violated any department rules and regulations, he called what Morgen did "very poor judgment… very upsetting."

CBS4 Investigator Brian Maass has been with the station more than 30 years uncovering waste, fraud and corruption. Follow him on Twitter @Briancbs4.

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