Colorado Woman Raising Money For Irma Victims

By Dominic Garcia

DENVER (CBS4)- A Colorado native living in the U.S. Virgin Islands is raising money for people in her new home hit by Hurricane Irma.

Nicole Chomyn was in Colorado visiting friends and family when Irma hit St. Thomas, where she now lives and works. Chomyn says the perfect opportunity to help came Thursday night, when the St. Thomas based band the Supervillians performed at the Summit Music Hall in Downtown Denver.

"When these things are happening we really need to come together and support everyone," she told CBS4's Dominic Garcia.

Chomyn set up a donation booth lined with the basic supplies the people of St. Thomas need. She says items like baby wipes, batteries, bug spray, and fresh water in high demand.

"You will never understand how much it means, the littlest thing can make the biggest difference," said Chomyn.

While Chomyn raises money, another Coloradoan living in Florida just evacuated the state before Irma hits there. Rachel Holdman spoke to CBS4's Dominic Garcia on Facetime from Georgia. She said the drive there usually takes about seven hours but with so many people leaving the state it took them 12.

"There's no gas for hundreds of miles and the traffic is so bad they're stuck on the highway," said Holdman.

She moved to Boca Raton several years ago and says many stores are already out of food and water. She says some of her friends are still back in Florida and are going to try and wait it out.

"I'm obviously concerned because it's looking like a direct hit."

LINK: Fund for USVI

Dominic Garcia anchors CBS4 News at 5 p.m. and reports for CBS4 News at 10 p.m. Connect with the Denver native on Twitter @cbs4dom & on Facebook.

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