Former Arapahoe County youth soccer coach arrested for uploading child pornography

Former Arapahoe County youth soccer coach arrested for uploading child pornography

The Arapahoe County Sheriff Office's Internet Crimes Against Children department have arrested a former youth soccer coach for uploading and possessing child pornography files. 

Howard "Bud" Harper, 63, was arrested Wednesday after a tip led investigators to his home in unincorporated Arapahoe County. 

Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office

The sheriff's office received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about the files being traded from an IP address in Arapahoe County. Investigators found files involving victims ranging from toddlers to teenagers being uploaded. 

Harper worked for "Real Soccer Club" as an age coordinator and had previously worked as a coach. 

He now faces 17 felony counts of Sexual Exploitation of Children.

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