Ghost Wheelchair Honors Life Lost, Calls Attention To Stretch Of Colfax Avenue

DENVER (CBS4) - White bicycles, known as ghost bikes, can be found across the Denver metro area left to honor the lives of cyclists who were killed. On Sunday, a white wheelchair was left at the intersection of West Colfax Avenue and Irving Street in memory of Tim Campbell. He was killed in September while trying to cross the street.

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"It's a symbol of their life and just basically that their memory is with us," Kristin Cowgill said.

Campbell was hit by a driver who failed to stop at a red light.

"We wanted some way to honor Tim and remember him but also at the same time call attention to what's going on here," Allen Cowgill said.

The Cowgills knew Campbell through their church, and as avid cyclists they often advocate for safe streets.

According to Denver police statistics, 13 people have been killed on West Colfax Avenue since January of 2019.

"We know that this street is going to continue to kill people based on the speeds people travel on it," Cowgill said.

He has already reached out to Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure who have already laid out long term plans for improving the stretch of roadway.

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In an email to Cowgill they say the plan to make minor changes -- like changing timing of stop lights in order to slow drivers down -- more immediate.

"It's a fast street and really making the street safer for pedestrians is going to make it safer for people in cars, too," he said.

The Cowgills had the unusable chair donated, painted it white and brought it to the intersection. They say their biggest hope is that those passing by will see Campbell's photo and try to find out more about his death.

"I hope they'll know he was not just a statistic. He was a real person," Allen said.

On Oct. 11, there will be a memorial for Campbell with community advocates and safe streets representatives in attendance. If you'd like to help the family, you can visit their GoFundMe page.

For additional information on planned changes to the West Colfax Corridor you can visit the city's website.

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