Pay to Spay program helps Denver pit bull owners spay and neuter pets for free

Denver "Pay to Spay" event rewards owners who spay their pit bulls
Denver "Pay to Spay" event rewards owners who spay their pit bulls

A private donor is trying to help reduce pet overpopulation. That donation will pay for pit bull owners to get their pups spayed or neutered at the Denver Animal Shelter.

Pit Bulls fill the kennels at animal shelters all across Colorado, and they generally take longer to be adopted, sometimes because of the bias against the breed.

"Well, I think pit bulls are just misunderstood in the community. They're a very popular breed, super fun, and funny, and kind and sweet dogs. Being a popular breed, there are a lot of them," said Dr. Carolyn Karrh.


Saturday was surgery day at the Denver Animal Shelter, and David Martinez was nervous as he dropped off his three-year-old pit bull BMO to be neutered.

"He, funny enough, was an accidental litter of my pup's," said Martinez.

Karrh said, aside from the overpopulation of the breed, spaying and neutering these dogs will benefit them in the long run.

"They are very predisposed to getting a condition called pyometra, which is an infection of the uterus. It is life-threatening," Karrh explained. "If we can curb the pet overpopulation issue, this is one of the big reasons for having a spay-neuter clinic like this."


Martinez said he's happy for the chance to have BMO neutered. "You know, I'm happy to get these services done for my baby."

That big baby joined about 15 other pit bulls Saturday morning, all a part of a larger Pay to Spay program that hopes to serve 120 pit bulls over the next few weeks, all free of charge.

"We don't need other you know, more and more pit bulls ending up in the shelters, you know, not being adopted and stuff like that. So definitely the best thing to do," said Martinez.

In addition to that free surgery, owners who took part in Saturday's clinic also got a $100 grocery gift card.

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