I-70 Reopened After Flash Flood Warning Causes Another Closure Through Glenwood Canyon

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) - A flash flood warning prompted another closure of Interstate 70 through Glenwood Canyon on Wednesday afternoon. The closure was lifted at around 8:30 p.m.

The Colorado Department of Transportation tweeted pictures of two shallow mudslides at mile point 128, east of Glenwood Springs. Officials said the slides were 1-3 inches of "very slick mud" caused by rain on the Grizzly Creek burn scar.

I70 mudslide
(credit: CDOT)

The section of interstate has been closed at least half a dozen times this summer as heavy rain drops onto the Grizzly Creek Fire burn scar. A few mudslides came washing down onto the roadway, and in some cases onto vehicles.


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