How To Find Path Of Totality For Great American Eclipse
By Chris Spears
DENVER (CBS4) - If you want to see all that the Great American Eclipse will have to offer on Monday you'll need to travel into the 'path of totality' and hope that the weather will cooperate.
Here's an AMAZING link with a map showing how eclipsed the sun will be where you live. It's interactive so you can click on the eclipsed sun symbols to find out start, peak and end times for that particular city, or drag it around and find out how far you'll need to drive to enter the path of totality.
Here's a link to eclipse times for Denver and selected cities around the region.
To see an archive of eclipse stories from CBS4 click here.
Meteorologist Chris Spears travels weekly in the CBS4 Mobile Weather Lab reporting about Colorado's weather and climate. Check out his bio, connect with him on Facebook or follow him on Twitter @ChrisCBS4.