Durango Police Department, La Plata County Courthouse reopen after white powder scare in southwestern Colorado

The FBI and CBI, along with Durango police officers, firefighters and the Colorado State Patrol's Hazmat Unit, were called to the downtown area of Durango on Tuesday morning. Officers responded after suspicious white powder was spread at the entrances of the Durango Police Department, La Plata County Courthouse, and other downtown buildings.

Suspicious looking white powder was spread at entries to the Durango Police Department and La Plata County Courthouse on Tuesday. City of Durango

Both the Durango Police Department and the La Plata County Courthouse reopened after it was determined there was no threat to the public. Court resumed at noon. 

Police in Durango said the white powder was determined to be baking soda. 

Durango is located in southwest Colorado about 335 miles from Denver. 

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