Dual demonstrations in Denver call for peace in the Middle East

Dual demonstrations in Denver call for peace in the Middle East

Saturday the Colorado Palestinian Coalition held its weekly demonstration and march.

This time, instead of demonstrating at the State Capitol, they marched through the streets of Five Points and they had support from many cultural communities, including the Native American community of Colorado.


Morning Killer Woman, who's also known as Cheyenne McAllister, is a descendant of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe people who were massacred in Colorado at Sand Creek in 1864.

On Nov. 29 of that year, the Third Colorado Cavalry attacked and destroyed a village of Cheyenne and Arapaho people in southeastern Colorado, killing hundreds -- mostly women and children.

She says she sees many similarities between the struggle of her people and how Palestinians in Gaza are being treated today.

Morning Killer Woman, left, and two other Native American women CBS

"I understand what it's like for the world to say you're at war when it's really a genocide," she said. "Zionism is the same thing as Manifest Destiny. It's just with a new name."

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Meanwhile, at the capitol, Yisrael Kohen organized a rally to support Israel and denounce Hamas.

"I pray for my people in Israel," said Kohen. "The biggest thing that we want to accomplish today is to show the world that we love Israel, we love our Jewish nation and we love the Palestinians."


He also wants to make sure that what is going on overseas doesn't turn into hate for Jewish people in Colorado.

"We have seen a rise in antisemitism that's never been seen before," said Kohen.

Yisrael Kohen CBS

At the demonstration and march hosted by the Colorado Palestinian Coalition, organizers and attendees made it clear they love their Jewish "cousins" and just want Palestinian people in Israel to have equal rights, not a Jewish genocide.

RELATED: Colorado interfaith group calls for peace in Israel

That seems to indicate there may be some common ground among the groups, especially since both sides are calling for peace, even if they disagree on how to get there.


"If there is one thing I could accomplish with this, it is to bring peace in Israel," said Kohen.

"We can't just stay silent while thousands of people die every single day," said Morning Killer Woman.

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