School Shooting Suspect Devon Erickson Appears In Court, Facing More Charges

CASTLE ROCK, Colo. (CBS4) - One of the suspects in the deadly Highlands Ranch school shooting is facing more charges. Devon Erickson, along with a juvenile who prefers to be called Alec McKinney, appeared in Douglas County court in Castle Rock on Wednesday.

Devon Erickson mugshot from DougCo SO copy
Devon Erickson (credit: Douglas County)

Erickson, 18, and McKinney, a juvenile, are accused of bringing two handguns into STEM School Highlands Ranch on May 7.

Alec McKinney
Alec McKinney (credit: Instagram)

Erickson is facing a total of 48 counts, including first-degree murder after deliberation, arson and burglary charges. McKinney is facing the same charges as an adult even though he is a juvenile.

The suspects appeared in court on Wednesday for the formal filing of charges. Court documents remained sealed.

Kendrick Castillo (credit: Charles Burroughs)

Kendrick Castillo, considered a hero, was shot and killed while trying to block one of the gunman from shooting more people. Eight other students were injured.

Castillo's parents, along with victims and other family members, appeared in court for the formal filing of charges.

"It would have been easy for them to say, 'I'm not going to be in court today because in less than two hours we're going to have a memorial service for our son,'" said 18th Judicial District Attorney George Brauchler.

(credit: Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images)

Erickson remains in custody without bond at the Douglas County Jail in Castle Rock. He was initially charged with 30 counts and that increased to 48 counts by the time he appeared in court on Wednesday. McKinney faces the same charges.

Devon Erickson makes a court appearance at the Douglas County Courthouse on May 15, 2019. (credit: Joe Amon-Pool/Getty Images)

Those charges include possession of a weapon on school grounds. Erickson was a student in the British English class where the shooting began. Rooms 107, 108, 109 have been identified in the investigation as part of the shooting scene.

Devon Erickson (credit: CBS)

He appeared in court with pink and black hair and glasses, wearing an orange jumpsuit with wrists and ankles shackled.

No decision has been made on whether the death penalty could be applied to Erickson. Brauchler made it clear that it wouldn't be considered in McKinney's case.

"Juveniles never, ever get considered for capital punishment because the Supreme Court said no under the 8th Amendment," said Brauchler.

(credit: CBS)

McKinney's attorneys are seeking to have the case against him moved back into juvenile court.

RELATED: STEM School Students Retrieve Belongings Week After Shooting

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