Denver Zoo Welcomes New Amur Tiger

DENVER (CBS4) – The Denver Zoo welcomed it's newest Amur tiger last weekend.

Martin, a 3-year-old male, came from the Moscow Zoo on Saturday and the zoo released pictures on Thursday. He joins three other Amur tigers at the new tiger habitat called The Edge.

Zoo officials say Martin is not related to the other tigers, prompting a plan to have him breed with six-year-old Nikita.

Zookeepers say it's part of a species survival plan as Amur tigers are classified as endangered.

Martin will live with the two other males at The Edge, Thimbu and Nikolai. Each will have separate yards.

The public won't be able to see Martin for at least a month, the zoo says, so he can get used to his new caretakers and learn new behaviors.


RELATED: Denver Zoo Announces Upcoming Arrival of New Amur Tiger

Facts About Amur Tigers:

The Denver Zoo provided the following fun facts about Amur tigers.

- There are less than 400 living in the wild.

- They were once known as Siberian tigers because they roamed throughout Siberia. They are now mostly in far eastern Asia along the Amur River.

- These cats are the largest living member of their species. Adult males can grow up to 12-feet long and 450 pounds, while females stretch out to about nine feet and weigh around 370 pounds.

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