Denver Police Dumper Disciplined

By Brian Maass

DENVER (CBS4)- A Denver police sergeant has been disciplined after he was caught on videotape illegally dumping trash into a business owner's dumpster earlier this summer.

"This particular incident was an unfortunate event and is not something I have done in the past," said Denver Police Sgt. Timothy Hyatt after surveillance videotape caught him red handed.

"I have taken great pride throughout my career in doing 'things' the right way and keeping myself out of situations such as this," Hyatt said. "I fully intend on repairing any distrust this may have caused and offer my sincere apology."

Kathleen Holt, the manager of MB Marble in southwest Denver said she had ongoing problems with illegal dumping in her business's trash bin. On a monthly basis she said, people would dump their over sized trash in the company's dumpster. Tired of paying to deal with other people's trash and extra pickups, the business owner installed a surveillance camera several months ago to see who was illegally dumping on the property.

According to the videotape obtained by CBS4, on June 19 a pickup truck can be seen pulling up to the dumpster on the businesses property in the early morning hours. Hyatt emerges from his truck wearing his Denver Police Department uniform with the word "POLICE" clearly visible on the back of his shirt. He proceeds to unload an old oversized hot tub cover from his truck and deposit it in the business's dumpster.

"I had an old hot tub cover in my yard that needed to be thrown away and I did place it in the dumpster." said Hyatt. "Am aware this wasn't the correct decision as it has a direct impact on the business effected. This particular incident was an unfortunate event and is not something I have done in the past."

He said the dumpster was on his way to work at the Denver Police Department's District 4 substation.

Holt said when she and other employees of the marble company watched the video for the first time, "I mean… I'm beyond words. Completely taken aback, completely. Our thoughts were, 'Are you kidding me?' That's the last thing we expected to see."

"This is very disrespectful to those who support our local officers. What we want is to have this police force set an example, show respect and common sense to those living and doing business here. Disrespectful behavior begets disrespectful behavior. This officer should be held accountable. More so since he knows the law."

Last month, Hyatt was fined one day's pay for his actions which the city said constituted illegal dumping and conduct prohibited by law. Hyatt, who has been with the Denver Police Department since 2005, has no significant disciplinary behavior according to the department of safety disciplinary letter. He took responsibility for his actions according to the order.

In his statement, Hyatt said he intended to visit the business and apologize for what he did. He told CBS4, "This has been fairly embarrassing for me" and reiterated his regret for what he did.

Holt said she was glad Hyatt was being held responsible for breaking the law, "No one is above the law. No one."

CBS4 Investigator Brian Maass has been with the station more than 30 years uncovering waste, fraud and corruption. Follow him on Twitter @Briancbs4.

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