Denver Honks Horns, Bangs Pots After Joe Biden Projected To Win Presidency

DENVER (CBS4) - The news of Joe Biden being projected to be the 46th President of the United States sent Coloradans to the streets Saturday morning. Many honked their horns, banged pots and pans and shouted in their neighborhood.

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(credit: CBS)

"I feel the happiest I've felt this entire year right now," said Kate Napier who came out to celebrate.

Another reveler, who only wanted to be identified as Kim, said, "I've been so worried to go to sleep. I didn't want to miss it and we got it we totally got it!"

CBS News projects Biden will win Pennsylvania, putting him over the top as votes continued to be counted four days after Election Day. Biden's victory improved on Hillary Clinton's 2016 performance among men, independents and new, young voters, exit polling showed, while Mr. Trump improved among non-White voters and his Republican base.

Supporters in Colorado gathered, many seemingly spaced apart, on the front steps and lawn of the State Capitol building Saturday morning.

Pro-Biden crowds gather at the State Capitol building in Denver on Nov. 7. (credit: CBS)

One woman shared her delight with CBS4's Michael Abeyta.

"Some of my friends are crying right now. Look at all of this! Oh my God!" said the woman named Kim.

Pro-Biden crowds gather at the State Capitol building in Denver on Nov. 7. (credit: CBS)

Supporters of President Donald Trump gathered at a Cabela's store in Lone Tree as the news broke.

PHOTO GALLERY: 2020 Election Demonstrations In Denver

Pro-Trump crowds gather in Lone Tree on Nov. 7. (credit: CBS)

They displayed their flags, including American and Trump, as they traveled down Interstate 25.

Pro-Trump crowds gather in Lone Tree on Nov. 7. (credit: CBS)

At around noon on Saturday, Trump supporters moved to the State Capitol, some holding signs that read, "Count legal votes" and "Stop the steal."

One group of men says they election is fraudulent, and they are tired of being censored.

"It's just blatant fraud man," the group, which didn't give their names, said. "You had 139 ballots come in in a single spike in Michigan. If Biden won fair and square we will accept that, but we just want an investigation. We want a fair election."

Law enforcement moved into the area and shut down Lincoln Street as groups grew. Officers were seen standing in between the two groups.

(credit: CBS)

Biden supporters moved south to 13th Street. Law enforcement was also at that scene. For them the time for debate is over, it's time for a celebration.

One woman who was celebrating told CBS4's Michael Abeyta, "It's a historic day for women. It's a great day to be an American."

(credit: CBS)

The demonstrations lasted hours causing traffic backup on Lincoln Street.

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