Sen. Gardner Has Clear Vision Of Summit With North Korea

WASHINGTON, DC (CBS4)- Next week, Pres. Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in Singapore. Colorado's junior senator is involved in shaping U.S. policy with North Korea.

On Tuesday, the Senate committee chaired by Republican Senator Cory Gardner, led a hearing and made it clear what he wants to see happen next week.

Sen. Cory Gardner (R) Colorado (credit: CBS)

"So far, although it has suspended missile tests, North Korea has not taken concrete or verifiable steps towards denuclearization, so it is my hope that during the summit it will be made clear to the regime that the only goal of our negotiations is denuclearization," said Gardner.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (credit: ED JONES/AFP/Getty Images)

Gardner says he believes the Trump Administration's policy of isolating North Korea is working.

The committee also discussed the importance of being able to track human rights.

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