Coronavirus Update: Temporary Hold On Eviction Enforcement In Denver

DENVER (CBS4) — Denver city authorities will be holding back on carrying out evictions for now, amid concerns about coronavirus and its economic impact.

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"Now is not the time to be evicting people from their housing. We are temporarily redeploying our sheriff's deputies away from other areas of need within the department," Denver Mayor Michael Hancock announced on Monday.

Hancock added, "With these measures, our primary focus remains on helping our most vulnerable populations who will be most affected by this."

Senior Attorney for the Colorado Center on Law and Policy Jack Regenbogen says the move is a good one. Regenbogen helped produce a 2017 report regarding eviction cases in Denver. He told CBS4's Mekialaya White the economic consequences of the crisis are dire.

"Many renters are in a position where their employment is at risk, childcare has become urgently needed as schools have closed, access to public benefits has been strained by the crisis, and of course, health care is also a major concern. Many people are having to choose between keeping their jobs or watching their children during the day. As a result, housing security is at great risk. The risk and consequences of evictions are incredibly severe, and we need our government to intervene immediately to protect the health and safety of our most at risk community members."

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Regenbogen also says renters, particularly those with modest to low incomes, are uniquely vulnerable to the public health risks exacerbated by housing insecurity during the current coronavirus pandemic.

"We are all in this crisis together, and we need to work together and help each other to prevent the worst from happening. While dealing with this pandemic, we need to institute policies such as an eviction moratorium in order to protect our community members from these risks.," added Regenbogen.

The eviction suspension will be in effect until further notice.

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