Cooking Brings DPS Teacher & Special Student Together

By Dominic Garcia

DENVER (CBS4) - It has all the ingredients for a special story, a young student eager to learn, and a chef eager to teach.

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The connection happened at Denver Public School's Career Education Center (CEC). It's a place where students can learn vocational skills to use in the real world.

When Lily Cannon first walked into Chef Joe Rivera's culinary class, the special needs student was shy and wouldn't even look people in the eye. But, Chef Rivera says food was the magic ingredient.

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"Cooking is one of those things that really transcends everything. Everyone loves food! I approached teaching Lily like I would anybody and it was all her. All her attitude, all her desire to learn that made her grow," he told CBS4's Dominic Garcia.

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They made an instant connection and now Lily isn't just cracking eggs, but cracking jokes with her peers in class. Lily's mom says the class has changed her life.

"She tells me about it, first thing's first, what she did, what she accomplished today, and I think the most important thing is she was so excited to be a part of it," Alysia Cannon told CBS4.

Chef Rivera and Lily have formed a special bond, and while he's taught her the ins and outs of cooking… he's not the only teacher in this kitchen.

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"Working with Lily has really kind of shown me what teaching means. What it means to have a direct impact on someone's life."

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Dominic Garcia anchors CBS4 News at 5 p.m. and reports for CBS4 News at 10 p.m. Connect with the Denver native on Twitter @cbs4dom & on Facebook.

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