Colorado teen who nearly lost arm after crash hopes to inspire others who have lost limbs

Adams County teen shares inspiring story for Limb Loss Awareness Month

April is Limb Loss Awareness Month. An Adams County teen shares his story of loss and survival after nearly losing his arm in a 2020 accident that took the life of his father. 

In December 2020, Konnor Burge -- who was 16 at the time -- was driving home to Brighton with his dad and brother after visiting family in New Mexico when they hit black ice. 

"Our car slid when we hit another car. It was just really bad," said Burge. 

His girlfriend Jessie Bath learned of the accident from Burge's grandmother. 

"When she told me everything I just remember screaming," said Bath. 

Burge was airlifted to Salida hospital and then transferred to UCHealth Memorial in Colorado Springs.


"I was there for 21 days and they did 14 surgeries on my arm and my leg and my stomach," said Burge. 

Burge's arm had nearly been severed. Doctors said it may need to be amputated. 

"They were thinking about cutting off my arm, but they came up with a plan and they saved it and they had to reconnect my radial nerve and move a muscle from my leg to put as my bicep muscle," said Burge. 

His brother survived after getting surgery on his face and leg, but their dad died in the accident. 

"It's been hard. But he also taught me to be strong and keep going through everything," said Burge. 

Since then, Burge has done just that. Relearning to walk and regaining most function in his arm. 

"I can eat and I can write with it and I can do most basic things that everyone else can do," said Burge. 

He graduated from high school and now attends CU Denver, studying to become a physician assistant or nurse practitioner and enter the profession that saved his life. 

Konnor Burge, left, and his girlfriend-turned-fiancé Jessie Bath Courtesy

"I just want to be able to help people. That's why I wanna go into the medical field, so I can help people get through similar things," he said.

"It's been amazing watching him graduate high school and becoming everything that he could have been. Dealing with the loss of his dad who was honestly his best friend," said Bath. 

In 2022, Burge proposed to Bath. 

"I'm really proud of him and I know that he's gonna continue to do amazing things," said Bath. 

The Limb Preservation Foundation is holding a symposium at the Denver Marriott West in Golden on April 21 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Burge will be there to share his story, meet other survivors and learn about new technologies. He wants to advocate for others in his position. 

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