Video shows Denver man using ladder during apartment fire to rescue some people trapped on an awning

Colorado neighbor recalls helping rescue several people trapped in Denver apartment fire

Terrifying moments caught on cellphone video over the weekend show several residents of a Denver apartment pouring out of a third-story window as they try to escape the flames inside.

"They were pretty panicked. You could tell it was pretty substantial fire," Adam Steinbach said.


Steinbach was at home across the street when the fire broke out early Saturday morning near 22nd Avenue and Clarkson Street.

He heard the screams before spotting the smoke and immediately rushed over to see if he could help.

"All of a sudden the window came open, a lot more smoke. There was two, three people jumped out on the awning immediately ... and quickly realized they weren't going to be able to get down," Steinbach said. "They were talking about jumping and it was too high to jump so I was like 'Don't jump. We will get you down.'"

Steinbach then rushed back to his house to grab a ladder.

"I ended up getting over there and then put the ladder up, but the ladder only went up (so far)," he said.

It was enough to get a few people off that awning, but Steinbach says he was relieved to see fire crews arrive with the right kind of equipment.

"There was a lot of people that were up there probably for what that awning was built for," Steinbach said.

Five people were rushed to the hospital, according to Denver Fire.

One of the residents returned to the apartment on Sunday and took the time to thank Steinbach for his quick thinking.

"I appreciate all your help," the resident said.

"Glad you made it," Steinbach replied shaking the man's hand.

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