Denver families "adopt" and raise housing funds for migrants as demand for help grows

Generous Coloradans continue to help migrants in need as influx continues

With the holidays approaching and more migrant families entering the city of Denver, some Colorado families are giving back in a big way to those who need it the most.

Caitlin Mulcock brings food to Barbara Brigette Rivero and one of her sons. CBS

"I joined a Facebook group. Somebody (on it) asked and said that there was a need, that this new family had just come to Denver," said Caitlin Mulcock. "They had no coats, no warm hats, and it was the week of Thanksgiving. My kids were home, and I thought 'What a great opportunity to take my kids and to meet this family.'"

"We just met the family at the hotel they were at and took them shopping (and) tried to get them some warm clothing," she added.

That family consisted of 29 year-old Barbara Brigette Rivero, her husband and two children. They have been staying at one of the city's migrant shelters since arriving in Denver three weeks ago.

  Barbara Brigette Rivero CBS

 "I'm so happy to have met them, and my family too," said Rivero.

In "adopting" the Rivero family over these last two weeks, the Mulcock's have been working daily to help provide the newcomer family with the essentials they need, including food, clothing and asthma medication and supplies for Rivero's son.

"It's wonderful. Thank God he put an angel in our path. They've helped us a lot," said Rivero.

The Mulcocks have now set out on a new goal, by crowdfunding to get Rivero and her family a more permanent place to live after their time at the shelter is up.

"It was tough to sleep at night knowing someone that we had met we thought were good people, could be on the streets and that didn't feel right," said Jeff Mulcock. "If we could just raise $10,000 we could get them in a good place to live for the next year and help them in that path."


 "God willing that's what will happen to give us a stable home, and what would be left is for me to get a job for myself," said Rivero.

In helping one family succeed, the Mulcocks hope they can do their part to improve Denver's migrant crisis.

"There's a lot of people coming into the city, and I don't know how they're going to deal with the emerging need that continues to enter Denver," said Jeff. "So, the sooner we can get her family in a good spot the better they will be."

"We have the time, the energy. We have the resources. So..." said Caitlin.

Time and resources are what have made it possible for the Mulcocks to help Rivero's family, but in return, both families say they have gained a greater connection with one another.

"My daughter got to play with Brigette's daughter, and we started to see them as people as opposed to people just needing things," said Jeff. "And once you start to establish that connection, you want to start helping."

They see this migrant crisis as an opportunity for more people in the community to come together, no matter the size of help they can give, to improve their outcome.

"Open your hearts. Not everyone came here to do bad things. There's more good people than bad and that goes the same for us migrants," said Rivero.

The Mulcocks tell CBS Colorado they are also coordinating with their local church this Saturday for a donation drive, where they will be putting together clothing, winter essentials and medicine into kits and eventually delivering those kits to local foundations to give to migrants who need it most.

"Any way that you can help," said Jeff. "I think it really makes a difference."

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