Colorado Supporters of Joe Biden Excited By National Performance

DENVER (CBS4) - In Colorado, former Vice President Joe Biden won about 23 percent of the primary vote. He lost in the state to Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg was close behind. While his showing in Colorado was less than desirable, Biden did very well in other states, winning Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Texas.

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"We're all excited. I mean I'm getting tweets and texts from all over the country. Folks are very excited about Joe Biden's performance tonight," said Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, from the Biden watch party in Denver.

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Hancock announced his support of Biden in a news release issued on Monday. He joined former Senator and former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, and former Denver Mayor and former Secretary of Energy and Transportation Frederico Pena in supporting Biden.

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a Super Tuesday campaign event at Baldwin Hills Recreation Center on March 3, 2020 in Los Angeles. (credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

"As a mayor and citizen of this nation, I've been sitting back and watching the dysfunction and chaos over the last four years. I was looking for a candidate who could unite not only the Democratic party, but the nation. The only candidate really came to me, that I believe that could it hitting the ground running has proven to be our leader on so many other issues that we care about is Joe Biden," Hancock explained.

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Joe Biden was one of the few Democratic presidential candidates that did not visit Colorado in the weeks leading up to Super Tuesday. And while he did not fair well among Colorado primary voters, he did pull ahead significantly in the national race for delegates.

PHOTO GALLERY: Super Tuesday In Colorado

"At the end of the day, tonight, it's about the national story. You know, 72-hours ago everybody thought that Bernie Sanders was going to run away with this election. Tonight, we're seeing the shift in the momentum, the resurgence of Joe Biden, as the most viable candidate to take on Trump in November and win this race. And I got to tell you, we are all really proud of the results we're seeing across the United States. We've got work to do in Colorado. We get that opportunity between now and the general election," Hancock told CBS4.

MORE FROM CBSNEWS.COM: Bloomberg ends presidential run and endorses Biden after Super Tuesday rejection

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