Colorado's First Gentleman Calls For Reintroducing Wolverines To High Country
(CBS4) -- Colorado First Gentleman Marlon Reis is speaking in support of a plan to reintroduce wolverines to the high country. According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, wolverines were extirpated in 1919.
"With a strong survival instinct, the Wolverine is an icon of arctic and alpine environments," Reis stated.
Reis said the wolverine is the rarest mammal in North America, and "generally feed on rodents, fish, reptiles, birds, and carrion."
"Occasionally, Wolverines will also take large animals who have been weakened by age, illness, or trapped in the snow," Reis added.
According to CPW, a stakeholder process for wolverine reintroduction was undertaken in 2010, "resulting in an extensive report and plan for how that reintroduction could be accomplished."
For more information, visit the CPW wolverine webpage at