Claire Davis' Parents Emotional In Support In School Liability Bill

DENVER (AP) - Rocked by deadly school violence, Colorado lawmakers from both parties signed off Monday on a bill to make public school districts liable for shootings and violence.

The bill that won approval 4-1 in the Senate Judiciary Committee is a response to several fatal school shootings, most recently a 2013 shooting at Arapahoe High School in Littleton. The parents of the victim, Claire Davis, fought tears and pleaded with lawmakers to waive governmental immunity from legal action in cases of school violence.

"Please don't make the next mother beg for answers as to why her child was killed in a public school in the state of Colorado," said Desiree Davis, whose daughter was shot and killed by a disturbed student who then turned the gun on himself.

The bill waives for public schools the state's governmental immunity and allows victims or their relatives to collect up to $350,000 for violence "when the harm is reasonably foreseeable."

The Davises said the liability measure would give schools more incentive to identify dangerous children and to share more information when violence occurs.

The bill was originally retroactive to 2013, presumably to allow the Davises to sue. But the family has since agreed to work with a mediator on the question of what the high school could have done to prevent the shooting by Karl Pierson, who police say had made threats.

Governmental-immunity guidelines vary by state. But Colorado's proposal appears to be a novel approach of setting special standards for schools.

Colorado is one of at least 33 states that limit monetary damages that may be recovered from judgments against the state. Lawmakers here have waived or raised the caps in particular situations before, most recently in 2013, in response to a deadly wildfire that was started by a prescribed burn.

Sponsors of the school liability legislation argued Monday that the state's current school-liability cap needs adjusting. Public schools currently face more potential liability from slip-and-fall accidents caused by poor snow removal than from school shootings, they argued.

"Parents have a reasonable expectation that when they send their children to a public school, their children will be safe," said Senate President Bill Cadman, R-Colorado Springs and one of the bill's sponsors.

The panel sided with Cadman despite arguments from schools that the measure wouldn't prevent school violence, just increase insurance liability. "It's very easy to go back and question, could more have been done?" said David Olson, a lawyer who represented Jefferson County Schools after the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School.

A school board member was more blunt, saying that schools would start expelling mentally ill students rather than try to treat them. "Our school administrators will err on the side of caution and expel many more students," said Jan Tanner, president of a school board in Colorado Springs.

Lawmakers seemed sympathetic to schools facing higher insurance bills, but they insisted that schools need more accountability when it comes to preventing violence.

"Why isn't the king held responsible for the actions within the king's realm?" asked Sen. Kevin Lundberg, R-Berthoud. He pointed out that private schools aren't immune from lawsuits if they don't take "reasonable care" to prevent violence.

The bill has excellent prospects moving forward. House Speaker Dickey Lee Hullinghorst is the main sponsor from the House, where the bill would head next.

- By Kristen Wyatt, AP Writer

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