CDOT: 100+ Plows On Roadways Starting Early Monday Morning

DENVER (CBS4)- An unusually warm winter day in Denver, had people outside and enjoying the sunshine on Sunday. However, during the Monday morning commute, the city was looking a lot different.

(credit: CDOT)

The Colorado Department of Transportation is preparing for a winter storm that hit the Denver metro area on Monday and continues into Tuesday.

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"It's going to be an abrupt change starting tomorrow," CDOT's Stacia Sellers told CBS4.

Sellers said they anticipate the storm will begin overnight, bringing freezing drizzle to some areas around the state. That, could prevent them from pretreating the roads ahead of the storm.

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"Sometimes that can start out as rain and can totally dilute the sand-brine solution that is our pretreat solution," Sellers said. "So we will play it by ear."

Sellers said the good news is that the unusually warm weather on Sunday, may cause the storm to get off to a slower start.

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"We do think the warmer weather will help the pavement," she explained. "It will help to slow down the accumulation of ice onto the roadways."

CDOT said the plan is to deploy crews into "full snow patrol" at 8 a.m. on Monday. That means plows will be out in full force during the morning commute.

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"You'll see over 100 plows out on the roadways, really helping to manage any snow accumulation or any ice accumulation," Sellers said.

CDOT is anticipating that the worst part of the storm will be the Monday evening commute, so they are asking drivers to leave work early if possible. They added that they want drivers to be especially careful along overpasses and bridges, as black ice will likely form after overnight freezing drizzle and a major temperature drop.

While crews prepare for the storm, residents are getting ready for Denver to feel like winter, once again.

"This is Colorado, were used to it," explained Sofia Hellerstedt , who was out walking at Sloan's Lake on Sunday. "Tank tops one day, snow boots the next."

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