Protester In Denver Believes He Was 'Purposely' Shot By Denver Police

DENVER (CBS4) - A lawsuit has been filed in U.S. District Court against Denver Police and the city by a demonstrator seriously injured in Black Lives Matter protests in 2020. On May 31, 2020, Denver saw the fourth day of protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

Michael Driscoll was one of the protesters. He was live streaming video in front of Denver Police headquarters. Officers in riot gear were down the block.

(credit: Michael Driscoll)

Driscoll claims there was no warning when police fired rubber bullets and tear gas.

"It struck me between my eyes on the left side of my face," he told CBS4.

A third day of protesting in downtown Denver was brought to an early end after Mayor Michael Hancock enacted a curfew to prevent more vandalism and violence. Although many demonstrators had left by 8 p.m., hundreds were still by the State Capitol when law enforcement began dispersing the crowd. The curfew will be in force again May 31. (credit: Evan Semón)

Driscoll says the projectile shattered several bones including his eye socket. It had to be reconstructed using bone removed from the top of his head.

"I think I was purposely shot at," he said.

Denver police have denied deliberately shooting at the heads of demonstrators. Attorney Milo Schwab says Driscoll was not alone among the injured.

(credit: Michael Driscoll)

"At least 15 people were struck in the head with munitions. This was not by chance."

Schwab went to federal court shortly after the demonstrations began where a federal judge then limited the use of force by police on the protesters.

Despite the injuries he suffered, Driscoll says he would join the protests again.

"They did help the world see the injustice that happened to George Floyd and there was justice served in that case."

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