Avalanche Warnings Already Prevalent In Back Country
CRESTED BUTTE, Colo. (CBS4)- Avalanche warnings are in effect, triggered in part by the early snowfall in parts of the High Country. Avalanche experts are warning the snow slides may be prevalent over the next several weeks.
This past weekend, back country skiers near Crested Butte triggered a slide. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Experts say it's common to see avalanches this time of year.
"What typically happens is we get some snow in October and then we go back into a high pressure couple of weeks and that snow just sits and rots and turns into this really weak foundation for the next storm that comes," said Crested Butte Avalanche Center spokesman Steve Banks.
Crested Butte officials say that anyone skiing in the back country, no matter their skill level, should be prepared for avalanches. They recommend bringing a beacon, probe and shovel while chasing powder.